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Morphological alterations in hemal nodes in splenectomized cattle Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Bassan,N.; Vasquez,F.; Vinuesa,M.; Cerrutti,P.; Bernardi,S..
Pelo estudo das alterações morfológicas nos nódulos hemolinfóides, averiguou-se a compensação da deficiência imunológica transitória em bovinos esplenectomizados. Houve aumento acentuado de tamanho dos nódulos hemolinfóides dois meses após a esplenectomia. Além disso, ocorreu aumento significativo na espessura da zona intermediária dos nódulos hemolinfóides, bem como hiperplasia celular porém sem modificação na população e distribuição das células. As células B foram detectadas na zona central dos folículos, enquanto que as CD4+ se assentaram no córtex, na área interfolicular e nos cordões da zona intermediária. As células M2+ estavam dispersas no tecido cordonal e as CD8+ coraram-se de modo similar às células CD4+.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Cattle; Hemal node; Splenectomy; Bovino; Nódulo hemolinfóide; Esplenectomia.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical technetium-99m-sodium phytate in rats after splenectomy BABT
Pereira,Kércia Regina Santos Gomes; Açucena,Maria Kadja Meneses Torres; Villarim Neto,Arthur; Rêgo,Amália Cínthia Meneses; Bernardo-Filho,Mário; Azevedo,Ítalo Medeiros; Araújo Filho,Irami; Medeiros,Aldo Cunha.
Drugs and surgery can interfere with the biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals and data about the effect of splenectomy on the metabolism of phytate-Tc-99m are scarce. This study aimed at evaluating the interference of splenectomy on phytate-Tc-99m biodistribution and liver function in rats. The SP group rats (n=6) underwent splenectomy. In group C (control) the animals were not operated on. After 15 days, all rats were injected with 0.1mL of Tc-99m-phytate via orbital plexus (0.66MBq). After 30 minutes, liver samples were harvested, weighed and the percentage of radioactivity per gram (%ATI/g) was determined by a Wizard Perkin-Elme gama counter. The ATI%/g in splenectomized rats (0.99±0.02) was significantly higher than in controls (0.4±0.02),...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Splenectomy; Sodium phytate; Biodistribution; Liver.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Influence of splenectomy on the biodistribution of technetium-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid (99mTc-DMSA) in rats BABT
Açucena,Maria Kadja Meneses Torres; Pereira,Kércia Regina Santos Gomes; Villarim Neto,Arthur; Rêgo,Amália Cínthia Meneses; Bernardo-Filho,Mario; Azevedo,Ítalo Medeiros; Araújo Filho,Irami; Medeiros,Aldo Cunha.
This study aimed to evaluate if the splenectomy alters the biodistribution of 99mTc-DMSA and renal function in Wistar rats. The animals were separated in the groups: splenectomy (n = 6) and control (n = 6). After splenectomy (15 days), the administration of 0.1ml of 99mTc-DMSA IV (0.48 MBq) was carried out. Thirty minutes later, kidney, heart, lung, thyroid, stomach, bladder and femur and samples of blood were isolated. The organs were weighed, counted and the percentage of radioactivity /g (%ATI/g) determined. Serum urea and creatinine, hematocrit, leukocytes and platelets were measured. Statistics by t test (p<0.05) was done. There was a significant reduction in %ATI/g in kidney and blood (p<0.05) of splenectomized animals, a significant increase...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Splenectomy; Biodistribution; Technetium; Rats.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Evaluation of possible failure of the mononuclear phagocyte system after total splenectomy in rats BABT
Marques,Ruy Garcia; Petroianu,Andy; Oliveira,Márcia Betânia Nunes de; Bernardo-Filho,Mário; Portela,Margareth Crisóstomo.
Young and adult Wistar rats were submitted to total splenectomy and compared to animals not submitted to any surgical manipulation in order to evaluate the phagocytic function of spleen. The animals were infected with Escherichia coli labeled with technetium-99m and killed 20 minutes later. Liver, lung, spleen and a blood clot sample were taken. No significant differences were found in the percentage of bacterial radioactivity uptake in mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) organs in young and adult splenectomized rats. However, phagocytosis index by macrophages of MPS organs was smaller in splenectomized animals than in control group. Splenectomized rats were associated with a higher blood bacterial radioactivity uptake than animals of the control group...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Spleen; Splenectomy; Technetium-99m; Escherichia coli; Phagocytosis; Mononuclear phagocyte system.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Splenectomy prior to antiviral therapy in patients with hepatitis C virus related decompensated cirrhosis BJID
Fanpu,Ji; Zhang,Shu; Huang,Na; Deng,Hong; Li,Zongfang.
Patients with hepatitis C virus-related decompensated cirrhosis can benefit frominterferonbased antiviral therapy, but the common complication of cytopenia is a contraindication for this treatment. Splenectomy prior to interferon therapy may alleviate this problem. To investigate whether splenectomy improves the efficacy of antiviral therapy, 13 interferonnaïve hepatitis C virus decompensated cirrhotic patients underwent splenectomy between January 2008 and January 2011, followed 1-3 months later by an interferon-based therapeutic regimen (pegylated/standard interferon-α combined with ribavirin for 48 weeks). Ten (76.9%) of the patients developed postoperative complications, which included minor portal vein thrombosis (2/13, 15.4%) and transient ascites...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Hepatitis C virus; Thrombocytopenia; Splenectomy; Antiviral therapy.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Cases of Opsi syndrome still candidate for medical ICU BJID
Aygencel,Gulbin; Dizbay,Murat; Turkoglu,Melda Aybar; Tunccan,Ozlem Guzel.
Splenectomized patients are likely to suffer from severe infections, such as sepsis and meningitis, which is called overwhelming postsplenectomy infection (OPSI) syndrome. It seems to be more common in children, but occurs at all ages. The risk is greatest in the early months and years after operation, but never disappears entirely. The course is rapid, the clinical symptoms are serious, and the prognosis is very poor. In this paper, three cases of OPSI syndrome are described, in which infection developed 8, 8 and 15 years after splenectomy; two of the patients died. With the help of these case reports, we want to again emphasize the importance of vaccination, antibiotic prophylaxis and seeking earlier medical attention in splenectomized patients.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Overwhelming postsplenectomy infection (OPSI) syndrome; Splenectomy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Asymptomatic and symptomatic embolic events in infective endocarditis: associated factors and clinical impact BJID
Monteiro,Thaíssa S.; Correia,Marcelo G.; Golebiovski,Wilma F.; Barbosa,Giovanna Ianini F.; Weksler,Clara; Lamas,Cristiane C..
ABSTRACT Background: Embolic complications of infective endocarditis are common. The impact of asymptomatic embolism is uncertain. Objectives: To determine the frequency of emboli due to IE and to identify events associated with embolism. Methods: Retrospective analysis of an endocarditis database, prospectively implemented, with a post hoc study driven by analysis of data on embolic events. Data was obtained from the International Collaboration Endocarditis case report forms and additional information on embolic events and imaging reports were obtained from the medical records. Variables associated with embolism were analyzed by the statistical software R version 3.1.0. Results: In the study period, 2006-2011, 136 episodes of definite infective...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Infective endocarditis; Embolism; Asymptomatic embolism; Splenomegaly; Cardiac surgery; Splenectomy.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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