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The effects of seasonal change of water level in an estuary on Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) P. H. Raven (Onograceae) growth Acta Botanica
Ribeiro,Jose Pedro Nepomuceno; Matsumoto,Reginaldo Sadao; Lima,Maria Inês Salgueiro.
The Massaguaçu River estuary is an irregular estuary with sandbar breaching cycles that are irregular and happen several times each year. The species Ludwigia octovalvis is a perennial weed in several places around the world, but it is seasonal in the Massaguaçu River. In this survey we determined the relationship between the rain, estuary water level variation, and the spatial and temporal distribution of this species. In a laboratory we simulated the water level variation in water tanks in order to understand how this species responds to flooding. In the field, we determined the distribution of L. octovalvis in the higher pluviose season and in the lower pluviose season. This species is relatively common in the higher pluviose season and completely...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Etiolation; Estuary ecology; Stress; Submergence; Tidal.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Flooding effects in seedlings of Cytharexyllum myrianthum Cham. and Genipa americana L.: responses of two neotropical lowland tree species Rev. Bras. Bot.
Six-month-old seedlings of Cytharexyllum myrianthum and Genipa americana, two common tree species in different flood-prone areas in Brazil, were flooded for up to 90 days to compare their survival and growth responses under these conditions. Seedlings of both species were found to be relatively tolerant to flooding but growth responses changed according to treatment and plant species. Growth of G. americana was reduced by flooding, showing a decrease in root and leaf dry mass, root/shoot ratio and height, without showing any adaptive morphological changes. On the other hand, growth of C. myrianthum seedlings was stimulated under flooding conditions, showing an increase in root dry mass, root/shoot ratio, height, stem diameter and some morphological changes...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anaerobiosis; Environmental stress; Growth; Hypoxia; Submergence.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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