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Superstructures en matériaux composites ArchiMer
Lelan, J; Parneix, P; Gueguen, P.
Composite materials offer many advantages for the construction of metal hull ships' superstructures (lower weight, higher resistance to fire compared to aluminium alloy, integration of specific functions to the material ...). DCN Lorient has the most of these characteristics to build the "La Fayette" class frigate superstructures. This paper discusses the developments that were undertaken for the choice and validation of the technical solutions retained and particularly the connection to a metal hull. The difficulties to be resolved during the manufacturing and assembly of the superstructures on board the prototype are also discussed. This concept can be applied to other types of ships with metal hulls, by adapting the technological choices to the design...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Joints; Ship design; Ships; Ship technology; Composite materials; Assemblage acier/composite; Composite; Navire; Superstructure.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Tanneries: from waste to sustainability BABT
Farenzena,Marcelo; Ferreira,Luciane da Silveira; Trierweiler,Jorge Otávio; Aquim,Patrice Monteiro de.
The aim of this work was to look for an efficient and environmentally safe solution for the leather tanning industry through a problem of non-linear programming. The results were promising and showed a significant potential of wastewater reduction. Reuse of internal streams reduced around 70% wastewater. The solutions obtained could reduce significantly the amount of chemicals and consequently the amount of waste to be treated.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Water reuse; Massic integration; Wastewater reduction; Superstructure; Tanneries.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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