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Effects of the infrared lamp illumination during the process of muscle fatigue in rats BABT
Abou-Hala,Andréia Zarzour; Barbosa,Daniella Galvão; Marcos,Rodrigo Labat; Pacheco-Soares,Cristina; Silva,Newton Soares da.
In this study the effects of infrared lamp illumination during the muscle fatigue process was studied. Three different groups (n=5) were used: one control group and two treated (Infrared Lamp 780-1400nm), with the energy densities of 0.5 and 1.0 J/cm² and time of illumination of 300 seconds. The treated animals were illuminated in one point directly in the tibialis muscle, after the first tetanic contraction out of six, with an interval between each tetany. The results were registered in an electrophysiograph and the intensity of the force of contraction in grams was analysed. It was observed that the control group presented a reduction in the intensity of the force of contraction, while the treated group managed to maintain it, which was clearly evident...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Muscle fatigue; Infrared illumination; Muscle tension; Tetany.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Stretch Injuries of Skeletal Muscles: Experimental Study in Rats' Soleus Muscle International Journal of Morphology
Pachioni,Célia Aparecida Stellutti; Mazzer,Nilton; Barbieri,Claudio Henrique; de Camargo,Marcela Regina; Fregonesi,Cristina Elena Prado Teles; do Carmo,Edna Maria; Nozabielli,Andrea Jeanne Lourenço; Martinelli,Alessandra Rezende.
The study aimed to verify the physiological injury behavior by stretching the soleus muscle of rats, using a noninvasive experimental model. Twenty-four rats were used and divided into three groups of eight animals: control group (A), group that performed tetanus followed by electrical stimulation and a sudden dorsiflexion of the left paw performed by a device equipped with a mechanism of muscle soleus rapid stretching (B); and a group that only received the tetanus (C). Three days later, the animals were killed, and the soleus muscle was resected and divided into three segments. Morphological changes indicative of muscle damage appeared in all three segments of group B. In a lesser degree, similar changes were also detected in muscles subjected to only...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Disease models; Animal; Rats; Skeletal muscle; Tetany.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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