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Efeito da glutamina sobre o turnover do carbono (δ13C) de músculos e vísceras de leitões desmamados: glutamina e turnover de carbono tecidual - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i3.5712 Animal Sciences
Caldara, Fabiana Ribeiro; UFGD; Ducatti, Carlos; UNESP; Berto, Dirlei Antonio; UNESP; Denadai, Juliana Célia; UNESP; Silva, Evandro Tadeu da; UNESP; Garcia, Rodrigo Garófallo; UFGD.
O estudo foi conduzido para verificar a influência da glutamina no turnover do carbono em tecidos de leitões. Nove porcas foram cobertas e receberam dietas compostas predominantemente por grãos de plantas do ciclo fotossintético C4 durante gestação e lactação. Aos 21 dias de idade, 48 leitões foram distribuídos aleatoriamente nos tratamentos: T1 = dieta C3, sem suplementação de glutamina, e T2 = dieta C3, suplementada com 1% de glutamina. Nos dias 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 15, 20, 29 e 46 pós-desmame, foram abatidos dois leitões/tratamento. Amostras dos músculos Psoas major e Masseter, fígado e pâncreas foram coletadas e analisadas quanto à composição e δ‰13C e mensurada a substituição do carbono em função do tempo. A glutamina acelerou a...
Palavras-chave: Nutrição e Alimentação Animal carbono-13; Glutamina; Suínos turnover. carbon-13; Glutamine; Pigs; Turnover.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Aplicação da técnica de isótopos estáveis na estimativa da taxa de turnover em estudos ecológicos: uma síntese - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v25i1.2090 Biological Sciences
Manetta, Gislaine Iachstel; UEM; Cecilio, Evanilde Benedito; UEM.
Os isótopos estáveis vêm sendo utilizados na obtenção da taxa de turnover em animais aquáticos e representam mais uma ferramenta no auxílio à tomada de medidas de conservação, considerando que os impactos antrópicos ameaçam áreas específicas de alimentação, reprodução e crescimento de espécies em ambientes naturais. Na aqüicultura, por outro lado, o conhecimento da velocidade de conversão do alimento em tecido auxilia em melhores estimativas de produção. Neste sentido, o presente estudo pretende fazer uma síntese dos trabalhos realizados acerca das taxas de turnover em ecologia, com uso da técnica de isótopos estáveis. O turnover consiste na síntese do novo tecido e na substituição dos tecidos velhos utilizando a composição da dieta atual do animal. A taxa...
Palavras-chave: Biologia Geral isótopos estáveis; Turnover; Dieta; 15N; 13C Biologia Geral.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Bird diversity along a gradient of fragmented habitats of the Cerrado Anais da ABC (AABC)
ABSTRACT Understanding the factors that affect biodiversity is of central interest to ecology, and essential to species conservation and ecosystems management. We sampled bird communities in 17 forest fragments in the Cerrado biome, the Central-West region of Brazil. We aimed to know the communities structure pattern and the influence of geographical distance and environmental variables on them, along a gradient of fragmented habitats at both local and landscape scales. Eight structural variables of the fragments served as an environmental distance measurement at the local scale while five metrics served as an environmental distance measurement at the landscape scale. Species presence-absence data were used to calculate the dissimilarity index. Beta...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Beta diversity; Environmental distance; Forest fragments; Landscape scale; Turnover.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Total admissible catches and experimental fishing quotas in the pink lobster (Palinurus mauritanicus, Gruvel 1911): A new opportunity for economic development in West Africa? ArchiMer
Kane, Ea; Ball, Ac; Brehmer, Patrice.
Over the last thirty years, the poor state of certain fish stocks in the Large Marine Ecosystem of the Canary Current gradually revealed the limits of the West African fisheries management. The Ecosystem Approach advocated in Mauritania, calls to change the perception of fisheries management to incorporate participatory management considerations total admissible catches (TACs) and fishing quotas. An experiment around, a total allowable capture of 800 tons of pink lobster (Palinurus mauritanicus) is at the heart of this approach using methodological tools of analysis / assessment of the economic performance of crawfish exploratory fishery. Survey results show that during the period from February 2015 to January 2016, the fishery was based on a total of 23...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Palinurus mauritanicus; Economic performance; European fleet; Turnover; Added value; Mauritania; West Africa.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Musical Chairs on Temperate Reefs: Species Turnover and Replacement Within Functional Groups Explain Regional Diversity Variation in Assemblages Associated With Honeycomb Worms ArchiMer
Muller, Alexandre; Poitrimol, Camille; Nunes, Flavia; Boye, Aurelien; Curd, Amelia; Desroy, Nicolas; Firth, Louise B; Bush, Laura; Davies, Andrew J; Lima, Fernando P; Marzloff, Martin; Meneghesso, Claudia; Seabra, Rui; Dubois, Stanislas.
Reef-building species are recognized as having an important ecological role and as generally enhancing the diversity of benthic organisms in marine habitats. However, although these ecosystem engineers have a facilitating role for some species, they may exclude or compete with others. The honeycomb worm Sabellaria alveolata (Linnaeus, 1767) is an important foundation species, commonly found from northwest Ireland to northern Mauritania, whose reef structures increase the physical complexity of the marine benthos, supporting high levels of biodiversity. Local patterns and regional differences in taxonomic and functional diversity were examined in honeycomb worm reefs from 10 sites along the northeastern Atlantic to explore variation in diversity across...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Taxonomic diversity; Functional diversity; Ecosystem engineer; Reef; Turnover.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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High amphibian diversity related to unexpected environmental values in a biogeographic transitional area in north-western Mexico Naturalis
Serrano, J.M.; Berlanga-Robles, C.A.; Ruiz-Luna, A..
Amphibian diversity and distribution patterns in Sinaloa state (north-western Mexico) were assessed from the Global Amphibian Assessment database (GAA-2010). A geographic information system (GIS) was used to evaluate diversity based on distribution maps of 41 species, associated with environmental data. The highest α and γ-diversities were identified in the south-eastern portion of the state, in mountain zones with a warm sub-humid climate, whereas the greatest β-diversity (multiplicative formulation) was aggregated in patches in the western portion of the state in mountains with temperate climates. A cluster analysis and Mantel test showed a strong association of Sorensen’s dissimilarity (additive formulation of β-diversity) with climate and soil moisture...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Α-diversity; Β-diversity; Γ-diversity; Distribution maps; Nestedness; Turnover; 42.82.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Recent changes in the Dutch Heteroptera fauna (Insecta: Hemiptera) Naturalis
Aukema, B..
Recent changes in the Dutch Heteroptera fauna (Insecta: Hemiptera) At present 610 species of Heteroptera are recorded from the Netherlands. The database of the Dutch bureau of the European Invertebrate Survey currently includes about 130 000 Dutch records (combinations of locality and species). The records, however, are strongly biased towards aquatic and semiaquatic species (72 761 records of 64 species = 1137 records/species) in comparison with terrestrial species (55 375 records of 545 species = 101 records/species). Although since about 1850 there have always been Dutch heteropterists, collecting efforts show large differences in time and place and it is for instance easy to locate both residences and favourite holiday resorts of heteropterists from...
Tipo: Article in monograph or in proceedings Palavras-chave: Heteroptera; Dutch fauna; Turnover; Extinctions; New arrivals; Range changes; Global warming; 42.75.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Compositional change in fish assemblages along the Andean piedmont - Llanos floodplain gradient of the río Portuguesa, Venezuela Neotropical Ichthyology
Hoeinghaus,David J.; Winemiller,Kirk O.; Taphorn,Donald C..
The Llanos is an extensive area of savannas and floodplains in central and western Venezuela that encompasses a gradual elevation gradient from the río Orinoco to the foothills of the Andean piedmont. The río Portuguesa is one of the major rivers in this region that until recently had escaped major anthropogenic impacts and still maintains substantial seasonal fish migrations. However, little work has been conducted on fish ecology in this river. The present study analyzes museum collections sampled at 28 locations along the longitudinal gradient of the río Portuguesa to assess similarity of species composition from the foothills of the Andean piedmont to the lowland llanos floodplain. The standardized samples used in this analysis contained greater than...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Longitudinal gradient; Migration; Ribazón; Seasonality; Turnover.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Taxonomic and phylogenetic beta diversity in headwater stream fish communities of the Paraná and Paraguai River basins Neotropical Ichthyology
Nakamura,Gabriel; Vicentin,Wagner; Súarez,Yzel Rondon.
ABSTRACT Patterns of species replacement and richness differences along environmental gradients or ecoregions shed light on different ecological and evolutionary mechanisms acting on community structure. Communities of aquatic ecosystems of different watersheds are supposed to host distinct species and lineages. Quantifying and understanding the degree to which these differences are affected by environmental and biogeographical factors remains an open question for these environments, particularly in the Neotropical region. We investigated patterns of taxonomic and phylogenetic composition of headwater streams of the Paraná and Paraguai River basins to understand how local and biogeographical factors affect the assembly of fish communities. We also...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Community assembly; Nestedness; Phylobetadiversity; Tropical streams; Turnover.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Incorporation of Labeled Methionine as a Tissue Tracer in Broiler Chickens Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Stradiotti,AC; Bendassolli,JA; Ducatti,C; Sartori,JR; Pelícia,VC; Araujo,PC; Maruno,MK; Pezzato,AC.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the process of L-methionine incorporation in the blood plasma, liver, breast muscle, and abdominal fat of 35- to 59-d-old broiler chickens using the carbon stable isotope (12C and 13C) technique for the estimation of methionine requirements. In this experiment, 51 male broiler chickens orally received a solution of L-[13C1] methionine (92 atm % 13C) at 29 µmol/kg live weight/h for 6 h. Three birds were sacrificed for tissue collection at times 0 h (control), 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, 168, and 336 h after the administration of the first dose. Tissue L-[13C1] methionine incorporation mass and percentage results were analyzed using Minitab 16 statistical software. Except for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Isotopic dilution; Labeled isotopes; Turnover.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Rapid changes in tree composition and biodiversity: consequences of dams on dry seasonal forests RChHN
Vale,Vagner S; Schiavini,I; Prado-júnior,J A; Oliveira,Ana P; Gusson,André E.
BACKGROUND: Plants in a seasonal environment that become close to the artificial lake after dams construction may have enhanced growth or die due to the new conditions. Changes in mortality or growth rates lead to changes in community diversity, and we do not know if the community functions will change; our main hypothesis was that a few years after impoundment, species richness and diversity will increase because the increased supply of water would favor the establishment of water-associated species. Therefore, we evaluated the consequences of proximity of three dry seasonal forests to the water table after damming, with a dynamic evaluation of the species studied to understand changes in diversity in these areas. We sampled 60 plots of 20x10 m in each...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Dynamic; Ecological changes; Impoundment; Richness; Turnover.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Patterns of turnover and floristic similarity show a non-random distribution of naturalized flora in Chile, South America RChHN
The current geographical distribution of alien species could be informative of processes involved in the biological invasions facilitated by humans. Because environmental and anthropic factors affect the geographic distribution of alien plants, we hypothesize that naturalized plants have a non-random distribution along extensive geographical ranges. On the basis of a complete and updated database of naturalized plants in Chile, we analyzed their turnover and floristic similarities among regions that encompass a wide latitudinal gradient in South America. Using Moran's index and Mantel's test we characterized the spatial auto-correlation (regional aggregation) and the effect of geographical distance on the index values. Additionally, we used clustering...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Jaccard's index; Whittaker's index; Plant invasions; Naturalized plants; Similarity; Turnover.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Temperature effect on CARBON biomass in soils FROM TROPICAL AND TEMPERATE REGIONS Scientia Agricola
Four soils from various origins, (tropical and temperate regions) were amended with 14C labelled glucose (1mg C.g-1 soil) and incubated at 15ºC and 35ºC to determine the temperature effect on the carbon turnover and on the microbial biomass. The temperature effect on the biomass increased with the glucose addition. The biomass mineralization rates were higher at 35ºC than at 15ºC and higher for Woburn and Pegwell soils (temperate region) than for Capinopolis and Janauba (tropical region). Specific respiration rate (SRR) of new biomass (from glucose) and old biomass showed different behaviors between soils. At 15ºC, the turnover C was 207, 225, 115 and 141 days for Janauba, Capinopolis, Woburn and Pegwell soil, respectively. At 35ºC, it was 92, 69, 69 and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Carbon biomass; Organic carbon; Soil; Temperature; Turnover.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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