Registros recuperados: 28 | |
Cunha,Davi G. F.; Grull,Doron; Damato,Murilo; Blum,José R. C.; Eiger,Sergio; Lutti,José E.I.; Mancuso,Pedro C. S.. |
The management of urban water resources plays an important role for developing countries. The Tietê and Pinheiros Rivers (São Paulo, Brazil) are affected by domestic and industrial effluents and by the diffuse pollution. This research aimed to quantify 134 variables in the water of Tietê and Pinheiros Rivers (approximately 7,200 and 6,600 analyses, respectively) from August 2007 to December 2008. The idea was to verify if the fact that both rivers are located in the same basin is enough to consider the application of a single management plan for both. Data showed that the rivers presented significant anthropogenic interference. The results suggested that such rivers must be subjected to individual management plans since there were exclusive occurrences... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Environmental monitoring; Metropolitan region of São Paulo (MRSP); Urban rivers; Water pollution; Water quality; Watershed management. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0001-37652011000400032 |
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Gurung, Tayan Raj; RNR Research Centre, Council for RNR Research of Bhutan, Ministry of Agriculture, Bhutan; tayangurung@yahoo.com; Bousquet, Francois; CIRAD Green TA 60/15 Campus de Baillarguet 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 France; bousquet@cirad.fr. |
We used multi-agent systems (MAS), following the companion modeling method, to facilitate water management negotiations in Bhutan. We show how this methodology helped resolve a conflict over the sharing of water resources by establishing a concrete agreement and creating an institution for collective watershed management. The conceptual model begins with a role-playing game (RPG). The stakeholders play the game, thus validating the proposed environment, the behavioral rules, and the emergent properties of the game. It is then relatively easy to translate the RPG into computerized MAS that allow different scenarios to be explored. After this first step in the MAS model, stakeholders then create an institution. A second model is developed to facilitate this... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports |
Palavras-chave: Bhutan companion modeling; Multi-agent system; Role-playing game; Watershed management. |
Ano: 2006 |
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Bunch, Martin J; Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University; Network for Ecosystem Sustainability and Health; bunchmj@yorku.ca; Morrison, Karen E; Department of Population Medicine, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph; Network for Ecosystem Sustainability and Health; karenm@uoguelph.ca; Parkes, Margot W; Health Sciences Program, University of Northern British Columbia; Network for Ecosystem Sustainability and Health; mwparkes@interchange.ubc.ca; Venema, Henry D; International Institute for Sustainable Development; Network for Ecosystem Sustainability and Health; hvenema@iisd.ca. |
In coupled social–ecological systems, the same driving forces can result in combined social and environmental health inequities, hazards, and impacts. Policies that decrease social inequities and improve social cohesion, however, also have the potential to improve health outcomes and to minimize and offset the drivers of ecosystem change. Actions that address both biophysical and social environments have the potential to create a "double dividend" that improves human health, while also promoting sustainable development. One promising approach to managing the complex, reciprocal interactions among ecosystems, society, and health is the integration of the ecohealth approach (which holds that human health and well-being are both dependent on... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis |
Palavras-chave: Ecohealth; Ecosystem approach; Environment and health; Environmental determinants of health; Health promotion; Integrated water resources management; Resilience; Social determinants of health; Watershed governance; Watershed management. |
Ano: 2011 |
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Silva,Rogério T. da; Sánchez-Román,Rodrigo M.; Teixeira,Marconi B.; Franzotti,Celso L.; Folegatti,Marcos V.. |
It is presented a software developed with Delphi programming language to compute the reservoir's annual regulated active storage, based on the sequent-peak algorithm. Mathematical models used for that purpose generally require extended hydrological series. Usually, the analysis of those series is performed with spreadsheets or graphical representations. Based on that, it was developed a software for calculation of reservoir active capacity. An example calculation is shown by 30-years (from 1977 to 2009) monthly mean flow historical data, from Corrente River, located at São Francisco River Basin, Brazil. As an additional tool, an interface was developed to manage water resources, helping to manipulate data and to point out information that it would be of... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Irrigation planning; Seasonal water demand; Water resources management; Watershed management. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0100-69162013000300007 |
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Cai, Ximing; Ringler, Claudia; Rosegrant, Mark W.. |
Limited water resources are increasingly constrained by growing water demand for agricultural, industrial, and domestic uses, which in turn exacerbates environmental degradation and water-quality problems. This research report develops and applies a comprehensive decision-support tool for examining these issues at the river-basin level—the natural unit of analysis for water allocation and use. Authors Ximing Cai, Claudia Ringler, and Mark Rosegrant develop an integrated hydrologic– economic river-basin model, simulating water flows, salinity balances, and crop growth under water-allocation scenarios. One of the main advantages of the model is its ability to reflect the dynamic interactions of essential hydrologic, agronomic, and economic components and to... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Water resources development; Chile; Maipo River Watershed; Econometric models; Watershed management; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/44249 |
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Bhatt, Yogesh; Bossio, Deborah A.; Enfors, Elin; Gordon, Line; Kongo, Victor M.; Kosgei, Job Rotich; Makurira, Hodson; Masuki, Kenneth; Mul, Marloes; Tumbo, Siza D.. |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Watershed management; Catchment areas; River basins; Hydrology; Models; Water harvesting; Crop production; Crop Production/Industries; Marketing; Production Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/91943 |
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Registros recuperados: 28 | |