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การประเมินการเจริญเติบโตและการพัฒนาของคอร์ปัสลูเทียมแพะ โดยการวิเคราะห์โปรตีน ดีเอ็นเอ และ Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) Thai Agricultural
Jiratti Thammasiri; Chainarong Navanukraw; Srinuan Kananit; Paweena Pongdontri; Theera Rittirod.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate growth and development of corpus luteum (CL) using protein, DNA analysis and PCNA labeling index throughout the estrous cycle in goats. Non pregnant goats (n=20), 12 months of age were assigned for estrus synchronization. Goats CL were obtained from days 3, 8, 13 and 18 of estrous cycle using bilateral ovariectomy and blood samples were taken for plasma progesterone (P4) concentration. The CL was weighed, and samples of each were fixed in Carnoy’s solution. Additional samples of each CL were frozen and stored at -70 °C until analyzed for tissue DNA and protein. Luteal fresh weight and DNA contents increased (P<0.01) from day 3 to day 8, were similar between days 8 and 13, and then decreased (P<0.01)...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Goat; Corpus luteum; Oestrus cycle; DNA analysis; Protein; PCNA labeling index; Progesterone hormone; Protein analysis; DNA analysis; Growth indicator; Immunohistochemistry; แพะ; คอร์ปัสลูเทียม; การเป็นสัด; การวิเคราะห์ปริมาณโปรตีน; การวิเคราะห์ดีเอ็นเอ; ดีเอ็นเอ; โปรตีน; เซลล์จำเพาะ; ฮอร์โมนโปรเจสเทอโรน; ดัชนีชี้วัดการเจริญเติบโต.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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ผลของการเสริม Ethidium bromide หรือ CuSO4 ในปฏิกิริยา Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) ต่อการเพิ่มความแม่นยำในการคัดเพศตัวอ่อนโคเนื้อ Thai Agricultural
Saruttiwong Boonkong; Chainarong Navanukraw; Tossapol Moonmanee; Jiratti Thammasiri; Vilaivan Khanthusaeng; Aree Kraisoon.
The study was conducted to determine effect of EB or CS supplements in LAMP reaction on greater accuracy of sexing cattle embryos. Bovine ovaries were collected from the slaughterhouse, oocytes were aspirated from follicles then were evaluated morphology. Oocytes were cultured in TCM-199 at 38.5 ºC 24 h. For in vitro fertilization (IVF), oocytes were co-incubated with spermatozoa at 38.5 ºC 24 h. Fertilization rate was evaluated and then the embryos were in vitro cultured until morula stage. Then, embryo samples were frozen and stored at -196 ºC. Frozen embryos (n=35) were randomly extracted for total cellular DNA and amplified by PCR method. DNA samples were stored at -20 ºC. Sexing was determined by modification of LAMP method with either 1mM EB or 1M CS...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Cattle; Bovine; Oocyte; LAMP reaction; Loop-mediated isothermal amplificatio; Ethidium bromide; EB; CuSO4; CS; DNA; Sexing embryo; In vitro fertilization; IVF; โคเนื้อ; โอโอไซต์; ลักษณะทางสัณฐานวิทยา; การคัดเพศตัวอ่อน; เทคนิคการคัดเพศ; ดีเอ็นเอ; ความแม่นยำ.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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